Roscoe's initials give him his nickname RAK. To his family he is known as a RAKster, one who automatically performs random acts of kindness. His friend Andrew asks what his own initials, AJH, could stand for. Rak's answer is "always just help", which would make him a RAKster. Andrew announces that he wants to be a PAKster. Roscoe argues that there is no such thing. But when they PLAN an act of kindness, Andrew gains some ground.  ISBN 978-1-4670-4066-2, or Clark, Janice E.  


Raise Your Thoughts

Roland Faissett is a child dealing with childhood leukemia. Like too many children, he has learned to "roll and face it" (as reflected in his name) through the treatments of his illness. He enters the Wee Ville Elementary School wearing a wizard's hat and robe, and carries a crystal ball. What he sees in his crystal ball gives him hope, and courage to move forward. His new friends see nothing in the ball. "You must believe", he tells them.  ISBN 9781983740725

My Books ...all of my children's books carry the theme of acts of kindness.

Read to - Read with - or Read alone (ages 5-10)

Jake buys an awesome pen. He can't wait to use it in school to write bully notes to his classmates. But his awesome pen has another idea. Could it be magic?   ISBN 9781076223715

Roscoe's initials are R.A.K.. His nana says they stand for  "Random Acts of  Kindness" because he is always helpful. Whenever he performs a RAK, she calls him a RAKster. She says anyone can be a RAKster, even you. Just do something nice for someone. It's easy. Try it.     ISBN 978-1-4520-9235-5, or Clark, Janice E.