Raise Your Thoughts

                           Welcome to Raise Your Thoughts.

Hello. I am Janice Clark. This site has been  an "all about kindness and kids" site. (Check out my book page.) And, while I still champion the concept of demonstrating Random Acts of Kindness to our youngsters, I have come to realize adults also need a boost in confidence as we journey through our lifetime here on Earth and start to experience spiritual growth in ways we find surprising, or perhaps coincidental, rather than what is now being called a God-wink by many. (Unexplainable, yet life changing.) It's a relatively new expression for me, but clearly points out there is something more afoot than what we know from our five senses.

My new adult book, Breathe In the Joy, addresses how I began to discover the intricate workings of intuition and spiritual events which are accompanied by a knowing,  an  amazing and comforting realization that all is how it should be. There is a positive snuggled into every negative. Search, you will find it. We are so blinded by grief, anger, and negativity that joy is lost in the darkness, but even the smallest thread of joy can balance out the negativity. If only felt for a moment, it opens up the light in your darkness. It takes eight minutes and 20 seconds for a ray of sunlight to reach the Earth. You might be at the 20 second stage for now, but minutes of joy will follow. Trust.

    May you find joy.
